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Nathan Lapp


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Development ceased

Lego Universe was a MMORPG released in 2010. Unfortunately it had a very short lifespan, going defunct in 2012. I was one of the lucky ones who had a chance to play it back then. A few years ago I was reminded of it, and happened to stumble upon a community dedicated to keeping it alive. They did this by reverse engineering the protocol the Client-Server protocol that the game used. Since clients are still readily available all it takes is someone to implement a server, of which there are (or, were) many.

Fun fact: this very project is linked in that page!

I decided to implement my own server using that spec, and got a decent bit far (Account and character creation, 90% done actually loading into the world).

However, I underestimated the amount of work that goes into even getting that little bit done, and slowly stopped working on it. Nevertheless I learned a lot about software architecture, networking, and game development by working on it and am very proud of what I did. It was probably the first non trivially sized project I worked on.

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